The Athlete Games 2015 Online Qualifiers


The Athlete Games previously known as The Battle of London is Europe’s biggest Crossfit event and will be taking place in the Phones 4U arena in Mancehster on the 17th and 18th of January with a total prize purse of $40,000 for the victors.

The games will see 300 of Europe’s top crossfit athletes compete for a share of a $40,000 prize purse, but before that athletes need to qualify by taking part in The Athlete Games online qualifiers.

The 3 qualifying WODs can be found below and athletes that qualify will need to submit video’s of their attempts, so make sure you  have your smart phones at the ready. Scores will can be submitted at the following location


Online Qualifier Wod 1

In a 20 minute time limit:

100 rower jumping burpees.
Then row as far as possible for the remainder of the time.

Your final score for this WOD will be the total distance rowed in metres.

The distance in meters will be the final distance displayed when the distance on the rower comes to a stop. For example the distance will continue to accumulate for a few seconds after the 20 minute limit has been reached.

Online Qualifier WOD 1 demonstration:

Download WOD 1 Scoresheet

Online Qualifier  WOD 2

Part A

In a 6 minute time limit:
150 double unders
30 pullups
Then, AMRAP of ring muscle ups in the remainder to the time

Rest 2:00

The score for Part A is the total number of ring muscle ups performed at the end of the 6 minutes

The duration of time taken to complete the double unders and pull ups will be taken into consideration should a tiebreaker situation arise.

Part B
EMOM complete 1 clean for a total of 10 minutes at a the weight of your choice.

The final score is the weight x number of successful lifts.

Athletes must stick with the same weight for the duration of the 10 minutes and only one successful lift a minute is allowed.

Parts A & part B will be scored separately but be completed in together.

Online Qualifier WOD 2 demonstration:

Download WOD 2A Scoresheet & WOD 2B Scoresheet

Online Qualifier  WOD 3

8 minute AMRAP of:
8 deadlifts 100kg/70kg
16 wall ball shots 9kg/6kg 10ft/9ft
16 box jumps 24″/20″

The final score is the total number of reps completed in the 8 minute time cap

Online Qualifier WOD 3 demonstration:

Download WOD 3 Scoresheet

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