The CrossFit Open 2017 Workouts & Results

CrossFit Open 2017 Workouts and Results

The 2017 CrossFit Open featured five weeks of workouts, starting on February 16, 2017 and ending on March 27, 2017. Each week, CrossFit released a workout, and participants had four days to complete it and upload their score. The workouts were designed to test different aspects of fitness, such as strength, endurance, skill, and power.

The 2017 CrossFit Games Open was a memorable one, as it introduced new elements and challenges. The first workout, 17.1, featured dumbbell snatches and burpee box jump-overs, marking the first time that dumbbells were used in an Open workout. The workout was a brutal test of endurance, power, and agility, as the athletes had to complete increasing reps of snatches and constant reps of burpees within a 20-minute time cap. It also introduced a new Masters 35-39 division, giving more opportunities for older athletes to showcase their abilities and compete with their peers.

The 2017 CrossFit Games Open was a challenging and exciting series of workouts that pushed the athletes to their limits and beyond. It also showcased the diversity and versatility of CrossFit as a sport and a lifestyle. Whether you participated in the Open or just watched from the sidelines, you can learn a lot from the 2017 Open and use it as a motivation and inspiration for your own fitness journey.

The 2017 Open also showed the evolution and innovation of CrossFit as a sport and a fitness methodology, as it constantly varied the movements, modalities, and stimuli.

Here are the details of each of the workout, their standards and the results and winners of each:

CrossFit Open 17.1 Workout

This workout was a test of stamina and grit. It required athletes to perform a total of 150 dumbbell snatches and 75 burpee box jump-overs in a descending ladder format. The workout was challenging both physically and mentally, as athletes had to push through fatigue and pain while maintaining good form and technique.

Complete for time:

  • 10 dumbbell snatches
  • 15 burpee box jump-overs
  • 20 dumbbell snatches
  • 15 burpee box jump-overs
  • 30 dumbbell snatches
  • 15 burpee box jump-overs
  • 40 dumbbell snatches
  • 15 burpee box jump-overs
  • 50 dumbbell snatches
  • 15 burpee box jump-overs

Men use 50-lb. dumbbell and 24-in. box
Women use 35-lb. dumbbell and 20-in. box

Time cap: 20 minutes

Open 17.1 Standards:

The dumbbell snatches had to be performed with one arm at a time, alternating after each repetition. The burpee box jump-overs had to be performed with a two-foot takeoff and landing on the other side of the box.

CrossFit Open 17.1 Results


  • 1st – Scott Cottrill – 9:57
  • 2nd – Benjamin Garard – 10:02
  • 3rd – Luke Fiso – 10.:03
  • 4th – Mitch Stevenson – 10:03
  • 5th – Davide Marini – 10:05


  • 1st – Sara Armanius – 9:46
  • 2nd – Samantha Briggs – 9:47
  • 3rd – Emma Chapman – 9:59
  • 4th – Camilla Salomonsson Hellman – 10:03
  • 5th – Kristine Best – 10:04

CrossFit Open 17.2 Workout

This workout was a test of skill and strength. It required athletes to perform two rounds of dumbbell walking lunges, toe-to-bars, and dumbbell power cleans, followed by two rounds of dumbbell walking lunges, bar muscle-ups, and dumbbell power cleans.

AMRAP in 12 minutes

  • 2 Rounds of:
    • 50 ft Dumbbell Walking Lunges (50/35 lb)
    • 16 Toe-to-Bars
    • 8 Dumbbell Power Cleans (50/35 lb)
  • Then, 2 Rounds of:
    • 50 ft Dumbbell Walking Lunges (50/35 lb)
    • 16 Bar Muscle-Ups
    • 8 Dumbbell Power Cleans (50/35 lb)

Open 17.2 Standards

The dumbbell walking lunges had to be performed with one dumbbell in each hand, held at the shoulders or overhead. The toe-to-bars had to be performed with both feet touching the bar at the same time. The bar muscle-ups had to be performed with both hands on the bar at the same time, passing from below to above the bar with full arm extension. The dumbbell power cleans had to be performed with one dumbbell in each hand, lifted from the floor to the shoulders in one motion.

CrossFit Open 17.2 Results


  • 1st – Jonne Koski – 225 Reps
  • 2nd – Patrick Vellner – 224 Reps
  • 3rd – Bjorgvin Karl Gudmundsoon – 224 Reps
  • 4th – Matt Hewett – 224 Reps
  • 5th – Noah Olden – 223 Reps


  • 1st – Samantha Briggs – 240 Reps
  • 2nd – Camille Leblanc-Bazinet – 238 Reps
  • 3rd – Aletha Boon – 229 Reps
  • 4th – Jamie Greene – 228 Reps
  • 5th – Annie Thorisdottir – 224 Reps

CrossFit Open 17.3 Workout

This workout was a test of power and speed. It required athletes to perform increasing rounds of chest-to-bar pull-ups and squat snatches with increasing weight and decreasing reps within four-minute windows.


  • Prior to 8:00, complete 3 rounds of:
    • 6 chest-to-bar pull-ups
    • 6 squat snatches (95/65 lb)
  • Then, 3 rounds of:
    • 7 chest-to-bar pull-ups
    • 5 squat snatches (135/95 lb)
  • Prior to 12:00, complete 3 rounds of:*
    • 8 chest-to-bar pull-ups
    • 4 squat snatches (185/135 lb)
  • Prior to 16:00, complete 3 rounds of:*
    • 9 chest-to-bar pull-ups
    • 3 squat snatches (225/155 lb)
  • Prior to 20:00, complete 3 rounds of:
    • 10 chest-to-bar pull-ups
    • 2 squat snatches (245/175 lb)
  • Prior to 24:00, complete:
    • 11 chest-to-bar pull-ups
    • 1 squat snatch (265/185 lb)

Open 17.3 Standards

The chest-to-bar pull-ups had to be performed with the chest touching the bar at any point below the collarbone. The squat snatches had to be performed with the bar lifted from the ground to overhead in one motion, followed by a full squat below parallel. The workout was challenging both technically and metabolically, as athletes had to balance accuracy and efficiency while moving quickly under fatigue.

CrossFit Open 17.3 Results


  • 1st – Ben Smith – 17:17
  • 2nd – Jeff Evans – 17:29
  • 3rd – Mathew Fraser – 17:47
  • 4th – Nicholas Urankar – 18:13
  • 5th – George Sterner – 18:17


  • 1st – Kara Webb – 15:56
  • 2nd – Camille Leblanc-Bazinet – 16:11
  • 3rd – Sara Sigmundsdottir – 18:08
  • 4th – Katrin Davidsdottir – 18:08
  • 5th – Maddy Myers – 18:22

CrossFit Open 17.4 Workout

This workout was a repeat of Open 16.4 from the previous year. It required athletes to perform as many rounds and reps as possible of deadlifts, wall-ball shots, calorie rowing, and handstand push-ups in 13 minutes.

AMRAP in 13 minutes

  • 55 deadlifts (225/155 lb)
  • 55 wall-ball shots (20/14 lb)
  • 55-calorie row
  • 55 handstand push-ups

Open 17.4 Standards

The deadlifts had to be performed with the bar lifted from the floor to the hips with full extension. The wall-ball shots had to be performed with the ball thrown to a target 10 feet high for men and 9 feet high for women. The calorie rowing had to be performed on a Concept2 rower. The handstand push-ups had to be performed with the heels touching a wall and the head touching the floor at the bottom, and the arms fully locked out at the top. The workout was a test of endurance and strength, as athletes had to perform high-rep movements with moderate to heavy loads while maintaining a steady pace.

CrossFit Open 17.4 Results


  • 1st – Mathew Fraser – 327 Reps
  • 2nd – Jason Carroll – 325 Reps
  • 3rd – Travis Mayer – 324 Reps
  • 4th – Josh Bridges – 322 Reps
  • 5th – Alex Vigneault – 320 Reps


  • 1st – Samantha Briggs – 330 Reps
  • 2nd – Sara Sigmundsdottir – 328 Reps
  • 3rd – Camille Leblanc-Bazinet – 325 Reps
  • 4th – Kari Pearce – 320 Reps
  • 5th – Emma MCQuaid – 320 Reps

CrossFit Open 17.5 Workout

This workout was the final workout of the 2017 CrossFit Open. It required athletes to perform 10 rounds of thrusters and double-unders for time.

10 rounds for time of:

  • 9 thrusters (95/65 lb)
  • 35 double-unders

Time cap: 40 minutes

Open 17.5 Standards

The thrusters had to be performed with the bar taken from the floor or a rack, and moved from the front squat position to overhead in one motion. The double-unders had to be performed with a jump rope passing under the feet twice for each jump. The workout was a test of speed and coordination, as athletes had to perform fast and explosive movements while minimizing transitions and errors.

CrossFit Open 17.5 Results


  • 1st – Mathew Fraser – 6:24
  • 2nd – Jonas Mueller – 6:28
  • 3rd – German Castro – 6:29
  • 4th – Race Southworth – 6:31
  • 5th – Alex Anderson – 6:32


  • 1st – Madison Miller – 6:16
  • 2nd – Oddrun Eik Gylfadottir – 298 Reps
  • 3rd – Mekenzie Riley – 6:23
  • 4th – Kristin Holte – 6:29
  • 5th – Lucy Majury – 6:30

Who won the 2017 CrossFit Open?

The winners of the 2017 CrossFit Open were Mat Fraser and Sara Sigmundsdottir, who topped the worldwide leaderboard for the men’s and women’s individual divisions respectively. Fraser, who is the reigning Fittest Man on Earth, won two out of five workouts and finished with a total score of 40 points. Sigmundsdottir, who placed third at the 2016 CrossFit Games, didn’t win any open events but finished top 3 in two of them ending with a total score of 34 points.

How many people participated in the 2017 CrossFit Open?

The 2017 CrossFit Open saw a record-breaking number of participants from around the world with more than 380,000 athletes registered, surpassing the previous record of 324,307 in 2016.

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