Crossfit Open 16.1 Workout Standards & Details

The CrossFit games 2016 season kicks off with Open Workout 16.1, a 20 minute AMRAP of overhead walking lunges, burpees and chest-to-bar pull-ups. We all now have till Monday the 29th of March to submit our scores. Below you can find all the details and standards needed to successfully complete this workout.


Open Workout 16.1

20 minute AMRAP – In a 20 minute time limit complete as many rounds and reps as possible of:

25 foot overhead walking lunges
8 burpees
25 foot overhead walking lunges
8 chest-to-bar pull-ups
The weight for the overhead walking lunches is as follows:
Men: 95lbs or 43kg
Women: 65lbs or 29kg


CrossFit Workout 16.1 notes

Before undertaking workout 16.1 athletes are required to mark a point on the ground at their start position and another for their end point at a distance of 25 feet (7.5 meters). Further marks will then need to be marked at 5 foot (1.5 meter) intervals with each line representing one rep.

The workout starts with the barbell on the floor next to the pull-up bar. At the start of the timer the athlete will be expected to pick up the bar and commence lunges with the barbell overhead for the 25 foot length. Once the athlete has reached the end marker they will perform 8 bar jumping burpees. The athlete will then need to pick the barbell back up and overhead lunge back to the start position where they will need to complete 8 chest-to-bar pull-ups, thus completing one round.

The final score is the total number of repetitions completed within the allotted 20 minute time limit.

Open 16.1 Standards

The following video gives a breakdown all standard for movements in the CrossFit Open 16.1 workout.

CrossFit Open 16.1 Scaled Division

20 minute AMRAP – In a 20 minute time limit complete as many rounds and reps as possible of:

25ft front rack walking lunges
8 burpees
25ft front rack walking lunges
8 jumping chin-over-bar pull-ups

The weight for the scaled division front-rack walking lunches is as follows:
Men: 45lbs or 20kg
Women: 35lbs or 15kg



Open Workout 16.1 Deadline

All times and scores for 16.1 need to be submitted by the following times:
29th February 5pm PST
1st March 1am GMT
1st March 2am CET



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