CrossFit Open Workout 15.1 Details & Standards

The CrossFit games 2015 Open kicks off with workout 15.1, a two part back to back workout consisting of a 9 minute AMRAP and a 1 rep max clean and jerk. 2015 is the first year that a scaled division has been introduced to The CrossFit Games Open making it even more accessible, you can find all the details below.


Open Workout 15.1

9 Minute AMRAP, in a 9 minute time limit complete as many rounds and reps as possible of:

15 TTB (toes-to-bar)
10 deadlifts (Men: 115lbs, 52kg Women: 75 lbs, 34kg)
5 snatches (Men: 115lbs, 52kg Women: 75 lbs, 34kg)


Open Workout 15.1a

In a 6 minute time limit find your max:

1-rep-max clean and jerk



Workout 15.1 notes

Open workout 15.1 will start with athletes positioned under a pull up station with their barbell set at the correct weight.

The athlete will complete 15 repetitions of toes to bar and then move on to complete 10 deadlifts and then 5 snatches before moving back to start the next round with TTB.

The score for workout 15.1 is the total number of repetitions completed over the 9 minute time limit.


Workout 15.1a notes

Open workout 15.1a starts as soon as 15.1 finishes. Using the same clock the athletes have 6 minutes (from 9:00 to 15:00 on the clock) to complete the workout.

Athletes should use the same barbell for both workouts and are responsible for loading and altering the weights themselves.

The score for workout 15.1a is the weight in lbs of the athletes heaviest successful lift.


Open Workout 15.1 Scaled Division

In a 9 minute time limit complete as many rounds and reps as possible of:
15 hanging knee raises
10 deadlifts (Men: 85lbs, 38kg Women 55 lbs, 25kg)
5 snatches (or ground to overhead) (Men: 85lbs, 38kg Women 55 lbs, 25kg)


Open Workout 15.1 Deadline

All times and scores for 15.1 need to be submitted by the following times:
2nd March 5pm PST
3rd March 1am GMT
3rd March 2am CET


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